Thursday, June 16, 2011


Ok so I realize this is going to end up w/ people w/ knitted pitchforks and torches outside my blog, but I officially HATE top down socks.  I decided to knit an easy pair Earl Grey from the amazing Yarn Harlot but it kinda blew goats doing the pattern.** I was really happy starting out, the cuff flew by, but when I got to the heel everything went off the rails.  I did manage to succesfully execute the sock and will be finishing the pair.  But arg.  The heel was all fiddly and guesswork and using magic 8 ball.  (Should I decrease here?  Outlook fuzzy.  Ask again later.)  And then I don't know if this is my fail or what, but the toes from where I had to graft together have an annoying ridge.  I hate the idea of re-engineering patterns for top down socks to toe up, but it's so much easier at this point than having to break out calculus to get a heel right.  (I use Priscilla Wild's short row heel for my toe ups and I can basically turn off my brain and I always get the exact right number of stitches.  It's pretty much magic.)

** Note the pattern was great, the socks turned out lovely.  Just not going to be getting on board the whole top down thing any time in the near ever.

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