Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Knit 1 billion squillion rows of stockinette... Then some more

So I started a Garnstudio pattern (a lovely yoked cardigan) in the desire to learn to do bottom up raglan as part of my Learn to Knit, not to Ghetto Yarn Together self improvement project.  And thus far there is no freaking way I'm not finishing this damn sweater.  I'm knitting it on US 2s (even on the beautiful Addi 40" circular it's still quite painful) and let me just say, 150 stitches of stockinette for 33 cm?  Is horrible.  I will finish this thing if it kills both of us.  There will be a Chair of Knitting a Damn Yoke Studies created for me because I will beat this thing into the ground.  I will wear it every other day because nothing that takes this much boring time should not be pwned.

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