Sunday, May 22, 2011

I'm pretty sure I'm the dictionary definition of a product knitter.  I fly through things to finish them.  And the "them" in question is usually something that if it requires anything past casting off (and I do mean anything.  Ask me how many socks I have with a tail due to an unwoven end.) I blow through it or don't.  What this means is I have a pile of things in my closet that look like my cat was in charge of sewing them together.  Kitchner and mattress stitching take forever!  I don't want to have to weave through all of the stitches (horror of horrors sometimes multiple times).  It'll be much faster to just turn it inside out and use a tapestry needle to work through the back of every few stitches.  And it is much faster.  In no time at all I'll have beautifully knitted (my actually knitting itself is actually pretty solid, I've even managed to make my stockinette squares almost have no curling by over tightening on the purl side) sweater with seams that gap, bunch, and generally look like a thresher was involved at some point. 

So I'm going out of my way to do things that right now either are socks and hats (eg all in one go and worst I'll have to do is actually weave the last damn end in).  The idea is to stop wasting my beautiful yarn, (really the back of the closet could not possibly ask for any more knitted but unwearable products) and actually make stuff that doesnt' look like homeless chic.  (Which is a total exaggeration.  I would be too ashamed to donate what's in the back of the closet anywhere.) 

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