Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Colorwork Bishes!

So I've long been a "color work is for horrible reindeer sweaters" type of person.  However after being guilted into making a whopping pair of four pairs of Tardis Socks (and eventually a fifth, because I'm a glutton for punishment so I offered someone to make yet another pair). 

I girded my loins (ok knitting needles) and gave it a go.  Within an hour I could knit with two hands (eg one hand Continental and the other US style) and had pretty colors!  That didn't look horrid or like a reindeer!  (Also knitting w/ two hands at the same time makes me feel like a rocket scientist.  I'm easily impressed with myself apparently).

1 comment:

  1. Love 'em! Have you ever watched the Dr. Who episodes from the 70's? Priceless.
