Friday, September 2, 2011

Yarn Wars

So my laptop broke (fortunately it was just Windows, and I was able to reinstall and fix it) and I was sick and filled with snot so I couldn't sleep.  So then I decided to reorganize my yarn.  For the longest time I'd been good about keep everything in gallon zip lock backs in a storage bin so they couldn't mate with each other.

 (This is what happens when you DON'T use such methods.)

However as of late I'd gotten lazy and just started tossing balls of yarn on top of the heap.  So I figured since I was bored and couldn't sleep (snot would drown me) I'd organize the yarns again. 

After I'd pulled things out of the bin, I could truly see how bad it was getting.

As you can see, my cat was trying to help, by jumping on and wrapping around her any skeins I was trying to wrap up again.  In the mean time I did win force the yarn into submission.

Mischief Managed.